We dont like the idea of being a faceless company

For over 10 years, we have been building networks around people… for people – so we’d be remiss not to tell you who we are and what we’re about. We want you to know that our infrastructure solutions aren’t just churned out by some anonymous software program – we offer well thought-out solutions to very human issues.


Susan is a real anomaly – a registered interior designer for 20 years who also has over 10 years experience in telecommunications. That’s like the cool kid in school belonging to the chess club! Sue is a big-picture designer… every communication solution she designs always takes into account the human aspect – the effect that layouts, placement and routing will have on your employees’ environment and their productivity. She liaises with clients, architects, engineers, designers and contractors, to make all those seemingly complicated lines and symbols on the drawings turn into fully integrated solutions on-premise.

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